Home Energy Specialists in Mansfield, TX

Home Energy Specialists Measure Insulation Level

Energy Savings That Last

Think of that feeling you face every few years as you hop between various service providers. The savings are nice, but they don’t last, do they? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could find a way to earn savings in the long-term?

Instead of switching out all your heating, cooling, washing, and drying appliances for the latest high-efficiency models, try something a bit more cost-effective: waste reduction. We’re not talking about adopting conservative habits, but lasting improvements you can make to prevent those irritating spikes in your monthly energy bill. Our ACT Home Energy Specialists in Mansfield, TX would love to show you how to do it. Just call 817-781-8781 to get learn more!

How to Start Your Energy Savings

What’s the most important step for kicking off your energy savings plan? A thorough assessment of your home’s current strengths and weaknesses. Our team makes that easy by providing free visual assessment from our ACT home energy specialists in Mansfield, TX. Through our complimentary visual inspection, our experts identify potential areas for improvement in the living spaces, attic, and exterior building envelope. You’d be amazed at the amount of energy waste homeowners don’t realize they’ve been living with.

Once your personal energy professional finishes your home inspection, they will provide you with a list of cost-effective opportunities. We particularly aim for projects that give you the biggest bang for your buck. That’s why many of our local services involve reducing the strain on your cooling and heating appliances, which the US Department of Energy says consumes almost half of your annual energy supply.

Local Services in Your Community

What kinds of solutions can you find with ACT Home Energy Specialists in Mansfield, TX? We support efficiency for your entire home. Our experts target everything from the small leaks surrounding your doors and windows, to the blazing heat swelling up inside the attic.

Below, you’ll find a list of our local services. If you haven’t partnered with our team before, make sure you see what other homeowners have to say about our company first! Then give our friendly staff a call at 817-781-8781. We can’t wait to serve you!

  • Roll-on Foil Barrier Rool-on foil makes for easy installation and fast results. You’ll quickly notice the difference in your monthly electric bill!
  • What is a Radiant Barrier? What are these materials and why should you install them in the attic? Ask one of our experts about radiant barriers.
  • Benefits of Radiant Barriers With lucrative energy savings and a more stable environment, you’ll love the way your energy bills steady drop!
  • Radiant Barrier Installation Who said installation has to be hard, sweaty, or frustrating? Let our experts do the work for you.
  • Home Performance Testing Find out if your home is using energy efficiently. Arrange your professional performance test today!
  • Attic Insulation Installs We make replacing your insulation easy with professional installation. See which options we have to offer.
  • Attic Insulation Removal Ready to get that old, moldy insulation out of the attic and your life? We’ll make it easy with professional removal.
  • Whole House Air Sealing Protect your entire home from those leaks that continually eat away at your budget. See if whole house air sealing is right for you!
  • Attic Ventilation Your ventilation prevents excess heat from swelling up inside the attic. Our team offers invaluable insight towards proper venting.
  • Duct Leak Testing Concerned about potential leaks inside your HVAC system’s ductwork? It may be time to schedule a test.
  • HVAC Duct Replacement Sometimes replacement is the simpler (and cheaper) solution! Ask for a professional estimate on your new ductwork.
  • HVAC Duct Sealing Duct sealing close up those terrible cracks and wasteful holes that leak your cozy conditioned air!